Classes are provided in small to large groups and are based on the most recent research in the field. Agency HTS workers, Case Managers, Foster Families, Shelter Staff and Support Staff can greatly benefit from the Spectrum classes. Topics include Creating Therapeutic Environments, Self-Care for the Caregiver, Positive Behavior Supports, Crisis Management and Understanding Sensory Issues & Challenging Behaviors.
Creating a Therapeutic Environments I & II
2 hour courses
The focus of these modules is to more clearly understand the impact of trauma,
sources of challenging behaviors, and issues related to specific mental health
diagnoses. Participants learn the importance of creating safe environments with those
individuals they serve, as well as teach and discuss self regulation techniques, de-escalation
techniques, and other helpful skills they can pass on to others.
Self-Care training
2 hour course
This module looks at how direct care staff can take care of themselves while working in an
emotionally draining field. Participants look at various aspects of burnout including
compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization. Attendees learn about the physiology of stress,
different kinds of stress, and tools to prevent compassion fatigue in the short and long-term. As direct care staff
spend so much time dedicated to others, we recommend this course to learn how to dedicate time to
yourself too, so you are both more effective in the field and out of it.
crisis management
2 hour Course
Undoubtedly some of the most stressful situations for caregivers involve when clients engage in
self-injury, extremely aggressive outbursts toward others, or suicidal thoughts and actions. The
goal of this training is to educate all caregivers on the specific aspects of self-injurious behavior,
extreme aggression, and suicidal acts or ideation. We will also focus on outlining issues to consider
when developing treatment plans.
Principal Of Behavior Support I & II
2 Hour Courses
This course will introduce staff to the basics of ABA principles. It will include a discussion of how
important the environment is when discussing behaviors and client interactions. It will include
definitions of reinforcement, including positive, negative and automatic. An emphasis will be
placed on learning about the functions of various behaviors and using the A-B-C Model for
determining what maintains specific behaviors. The second part of the course will build on the concepts
learned in the basic module. We will focus primarily on applying that knowledge with the
individuals served and how to interact more effectively between client(s) and peers. Topics will include the
role of the environment, functional skills, task analysis, ethical considerations, and the role of data collection and analysis.